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What is Orthodontics?

It is not hard for some people to look at the mirror and still feel confident. This is at no fault of theirs. Luckily, there is a branch of dental science wholly dedicated to this problem. Orthodontics is the branch of dental science that deals with the prevention and cure of irregular teeth and jaws and also misaligned bite patterns.

The improper alignment of teeth and jaws are normally considered as cursed by many communities. The truth is they are just a curable physical condition just like many other difficulties science has a cure for.


Not always by Birth

The need for fixing jaw and teeth irregularities might not always fall on a person by birth. Numerous other reasons like abnormal growth of jaws, loss of teeth etc.

An orthodontist has more scope on a person under 18 than a grownup. Because that is the time when the bones best respond to the tooth movement. Any attempt on adults may not be as fruitful as in the case of a child.


The name orthodontics was derived from two ancient Greek words Orthos and Dontics. Which means Correct Teeth. Even today, that is all orthodontics is about. Setting the teeth in the correct order.


A Boon

The fact that there exists a method to fix the misshapen features of the face through dental surgery is a real boon. Because only the one who suffers understands the grave nature of such a condition. They are often subjected to mistreatment for absolutely no reason. Such people often have to endure being at the centre of jokes and bullying only because of a particular characteristic of their face. Orthodontics and the need to fix misshapen facial features existed for a long time. They were in demand for centuries and often subjected to crude methods, which did not always give the best results.

The advance of modern medicine and technology has improved the chance of better success. The treatment is more humane with modern innovations in place and much less to endure than a decade ago.

More than Cosmetic

While the cosmetic and aesthetic aspects of orthodontics are predominant, there are other benefits of fixing the teeth and jaw the right way

  • teeth-icon Proper talking and pronunciation
    teeth-icon The ability to chew properly
  • teeth-icon Reduce gum injuries
    teeth-icon Reduce trauma due to overbites

Orthodontics is very helpful in a lot of cases where speech disabilities happen due to the improper structure of teeth and jaw. There are people who have a bite misalignment and cannot chew the food properly. With proper treatment, they can have a food intake and pleasure just like normal people.


Risk Elements

Orthodontics is a complex procedure and should never be left to general practitioners without proper experience or exposure. A lot of things can go wrong and make things worse for the already suffering person.

Javadent can Help

At Javadent, we have the best possible solutions in orthodontics and expert care and counselling are available at your service. We make sure that you understand the whole process before actually getting into the treatment.

Our aim is to provide you with a beautiful smile and facial expression without actually causing considerable effort or pain.


Javadent Implantology & Super Speciality Dental Clinic

Opp:New Bus Stand, Kelu’s Building-Vatakara

+91-952 626 2050


Javadent Implantology & Super Speciality Dental Clinic

ICICI Bank Building, OPP: Park Residency Civil Station, Koyilandy
